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Moyamoya Disease


烟雾病是一种罕见的颈动脉(向大脑供血的主要血管)变窄或阻塞的疾病. 身体试图通过在大脑底部生长微小的新血管来补偿这种减少的血流量. Nevertheless, 大脑供血不足会引起轻微中风(称为短暂性脑缺血发作), or TIAs), full-scale strokes and seizures. In addition, 新形成的血管很脆弱,容易破裂或渗漏, causing bleeding in the brain. Unless the blockages are treated, 随着时间的推移,症状会恶化,并可能导致严重或永久性的脑损伤.

The disease was first described in Japan in the 1960s. Moyamoya means "puff of smoke" in Japanese, 关于新血管的特征性缠结如何在影像学检查中出现的参考文献.

烟雾病在儿童中最常见,但也会影响成人. We don't know what causes the disease. It's most common in East Asian countries, such as Japan, Korea and China, which suggests there's a genetic factor. 它还与某些其他疾病有关,包括唐氏综合症, sickle cell disease, neurofibromatosis type 1 and hyperthyroidism.

虽然烟雾病无法治愈,但我们有可能优化结果的治疗方法. 我们可以使用药物,比如血液稀释剂,来控制症状,降低中风的风险. 我们也有几种外科手术来扩大堵塞的血管, restoring blood flow to the brain.

Our approach to moyamoya disease

加州大学旧金山分校以其在脑血管疾病方面的专业知识而闻名. 我们采取团队合作的方式来照顾烟雾病患者, with vascular neurologists, 血管神经外科十大赌博平台排行榜和神经放射学家密切合作,评估每个病人和设计有效, individualized treatment plans. Our support extends into long-term follow-up care, 因为我们积极监测病人中风和其他并发症的风险. 认识到这是一种需要持续监测和治疗的终身疾病, 我们的目标是与患者建立持久的关系.

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    Best in California and No. 2 in the nation for neurology & neurosurgery

  • Rated high-performing hospital for stroke


烟雾病的症状与脑部血流量减少有关. 通过早期发现和治疗,我们也许能够预防中风. Early signs of the disease include:

  • Headaches
  • Seizures
  • 面部、手臂或腿部无力、麻木或瘫痪,通常发生在身体的一侧
  • 视力障碍认知或感觉障碍,如视力问题
  • Involuntary movements

Please note that these are also symptoms of stroke, so even if they come and go, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.


烟雾病通常由血管神经科十大赌博平台排行榜诊断, 血管专家研究供应神经系统的血管的专家. 诊断和发现任何潜在的疾病, 十大赌博平台排行榜会安排检查,以发现大脑中阻塞的动脉或新形成的血管. These tests may include:

  • Blood tests. 血液检查是为了检查是否有其他类似烟雾病的情况.
  • Cerebral angiogram. 这是确认烟雾病的最终测试. A catheter (a long, 细管)被插入腹股沟的血管,并通过x射线成像引导到大脑. 然后将一种能在x射线上显示的特殊染料注射到导管中, allowing the doctor to see narrowing, blockages or new blood vessels.
  • Magnetic resonance angiogram. Unlike a standard angiogram, 这种非侵入性成像测试使用无线电波和强力磁铁来生成大脑血管的图像.
  • CT angiogram. 这种测试结合了CT扫描——一种产生横断面图像的x射线——和注射一种特殊的染料来产生头部和颈部血管的图像.
  • Perfusion MRI scan. 这种先进的核磁共振扫描产生脑组织的详细图像,使十大赌博平台排行榜能够测量流向大脑的血流量. 结果可以帮助他们确定是否需要手术.

因为一些基因变异与烟雾病有关, 我们也为那些有家族病史的人提供基因检测.


治疗的目标是减轻症状,改善大脑的血液流动. We may use medications or surgery (or both), depending on such factors as age, overall health and the condition's severity. While there's no cure for moyamoya disease, 我们有有效的治疗方法可以帮助预防中风和其他并发症.


对一些病人来说,唯一需要的治疗就是药物. These can include:

  • Blood thinners. If you have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, 你的十大赌博平台排行榜可能会建议你服用阿司匹林或其他血液稀释剂来预防中风.
  • Vasodilators. These drugs relax and widen blood vessels, 哪一种可以帮助改善大脑的血液流动,减少头痛.
  • Anti-seizure medications. 如果疾病引起癫痫发作,可以开这些药.


我们有手术可以打开狭窄的动脉或绕过阻塞的血管. 我们通常会在病人中风或表现出其他脑部血流恶化的迹象时推荐他们. There are two main types of surgery:

  • Direct revascularization. In this procedure, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜将头皮动脉直接连接到大脑中动脉, which immediately increases blood flow to the brain.
  • Indirect revascularization. 这包括在大脑表面铺设血管或富含血液的组织,以刺激供应大脑的新血管的生长. 根据使用的组织或血管,有几种可能的技术. 间接方法比直接血运重建慢,需要数月才能完全建立. But it's effective in the long run.


Surgery is often effective in alleviating symptoms. However, patients still need long-term monitoring, 定期进行影像学检查,以确保疾病没有恶化,并预防未来的中风.

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