


疝s most commonly develop in the abdominal wall, where an area weakens and develops a tear or hole. Abdominal tissue or part of the intestines may push through this weakened area, causing pain and potentially serious complications.

腹疝是腹疝的一种. 它们可能在出生时就成为一种缺陷, resulting from incomplete closure of part of the abdominal wall, or develop where an incision was made during an abdominal surgery, occurring when the incision doesn't heal properly.

Incisional hernias can develop soon after surgery or many years later. They affect as many as 30 percent of the patients who have abdominal surgery, 比如阑尾切除术.


UCSF offers state-of-the-art surgical repair and rehabilitation for all types of hernias, 包括腹疝. Our surgeons perform a large number of hernia repairs and are known for accepting complex, 技术上具有挑战性的案件. Despite this, our patient outcomes are notably better than the national average. Less than 20 percent of our ventral hernia patients have a recurrence, compared to a national average of 30 to 40 percent.

Whenever possible, we use minimally invasive approaches to hernia repair. 与传统开放手术相比, minimally invasive surgery has significant benefits for patients, 包括更快的恢复, 降低感染风险, 减少疼痛和疤痕.

The treatment team includes gastrointestinal surgeons, 整形和重建外科十大赌博平台排行榜, 伤口护理专家, 重症监护专家, anesthesiologists and experts in nutritional and physical rehabilitation. 除了照顾病人, our surgeons lead innovative research aimed at refining surgical techniques and improving the materials used in hernia repair.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

腹侧 hernias cause a bulge or lump in the abdomen, which increases in size over time. 在某些情况下, 当你躺下时,肿块可能会消失, and then reappear or enlarge when you put pressure on your abdomen, 比如当你站着的时候, 或者举起或推重物.

When tissue inside the hernia becomes stuck or trapped in abdominal muscle, 它会引起疼痛, 恶心想吐, 呕吐和便秘.

在极少数情况下, this may lead to a potentially life-threatening condition known as "strangulation,这需要紧急手术. This occurs when the blood supply to the herniated bowel is cut off or greatly reduced, 导致肠道组织死亡或破裂的. Other 症状 of a strangulated hernia include severe abdominal pain, 流汗, 心跳加速, 严重的恶心, 呕吐和高烧.


In many cases, a hernia can be diagnosed through a physical examination of the abdomen.

Your doctor will examine the area where a ventral hernia may exist and may ask you to cough while examining your abdomen.

A CT扫描 可以作为诊断的一部分吗.


腹疝通过手术修复. Without treatment, most hernias will increase in size.

An untreated hernia may also result in intestinal blockage and "strangulation,"需要立即就医. Strangulation occurs when the blood supply to the herniated bowel is cut off or greatly reduced, 导致肠道组织死亡或破裂的.

Surgical repair of ventral hernias is a complicated, major procedure. Extremely large ventral hernias require a procedure called progressive pneumoperitoneum.


在这种方法中, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜使用腹腔镜, a tiny telescope with a television camera attached, 从内部观察疝气. 腹腔镜放置在套管内, 或小, 空心管, which is inserted into the abdomen through a small incision.

在大多数情况下, three or four incisions of about 1/4 to 1/2 inch in size are made to insert the cannula, instruments used to remove any scar tissue and a special mesh. The mesh is placed behind the abdominal muscles instead of between the muscles. It is held in place by surgical tacks or sutures.

This procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. 需要膀胱导尿.

与传统疝气手术相比, laparoscopic repair includes less post-surgery pain, less wound numbness and an earlier return to work and normal activities.

我们可以用 机器人手术, another minimally invasive technique with similar benefits.

At UCSF Medical Center, ventral hernias are treated by specialists in the 复杂腹部手术项目.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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